Chang, M. and Goodman, E. 2006. Asphalt Games: Enacting Place Through Locative Media. Leonardo Electronic Arts Almanac: Locative Media, MIT Press.
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Chang, M. and Goodman, E. 2006. Asphalt Games: Enacting Place Through Locative Media. Leonardo Electronic Arts Almanac: Locative Media, MIT Press.
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This paper describes the results of a three month study of physical fitness in the United States. Using a literature review, blog readings, interviews, and diary studies, the authors identify key challenges and opportunities for technology to support fitness behaviors. Results focus on implications for the design and implementation of personal health visualization software.
Goodman, E., Foucault, B. 2006. Seeing fit: visualizing physical activity in context. In CHI’06 EA: 797-802.
Galloway, A., Brucker-Cohen, J., Gaye, L., Goodman, E. and Hill, D. 2004. Design for Hackability. In Proc DIS ’04: 363-366.
Paulos, E. and Goodman, E. 2004. The Familiar Stranger: Anxiety, Comfort, and Play in Public Places. In Proc. CHI ’04: 223-230.
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